Cultivating Modern News Leaders to Meet This Moment

By: Niketa Patel

Niketa Patel, Senior Director of Leadership Programs at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY

Upon taking over the Executive Program in News Innovation and Leadership at Newmark J-School, it was inevitable that I found myself reflecting on my own leadership journey, and that I would compare present practices with how things were done back in the day (please don’t ask how far back that is!).

Leadership is a dynamic discipline, one that’s rooted in tradition, in the technologies available, and in the emerging sensibilities of the humans involved. In short, leadership depends on the expectations of those who agree to be led and those expectations have changed. And I think they’ve changed for the better.

Over the last few years, newsrooms have dabbled with remote work, begrudgingly at first and now enthusiastically, and many have now embraced hybrid work arrangements that are more inclusive. Many newsrooms have endeavored to put women and journalists of color front and center. An emphasis has been placed on empathetic leadership styles that strive to focus on DEIB, culture building and accountability in order to support and produce quality journalism. Journalists at all levels now expect to be given a safe space and a voice.

Looking back, I wish I had learned to “manage up” sooner, and insisted on creating space for myself and others. Instilling confidence in someone or a team and giving them reassurances about the quality of their work boosts morale and motivation. No win is too small to celebrate. And saying no to projects and initiatives that don’t help to achieve strategic or personal goals is quite freeing.

From left: Ariel Zirulnick (Class of 2023 Executive Progam participant), Newmark J-School Dean Graciela Mochkofsky, and Senior Director of Leadership Programs Niketa Patel

I may have learned these lessons the slow and hard way but after 20 years in the news business, I can now channel my experience into shaping future generations of better news leaders, while simultaneously learning from our brilliant instructors, the current cohort — which is incredible — and fantastic alumni of the Executive Program.

The program follows the rigorous curriculum of an MBA but it’s specifically for news executives, and covers business and financial practices, operations, product development, and leadership and management approaches and techniques. In essence, here’s what I want the program to get across:

  • A new type of leader is needed to meet this moment. Today’s newsroom managers need to be charismatic, confident, empathetic, decisive, inclusive, fair but firm, and strong communicators and problem-solvers. They also need to take ownership for their decisions and have integrity.
  • Empathetic leadership is critical to the future of journalism as journalists leave newsrooms in droves and threats to journalists safety are at an all-time high. Modern newsroom leaders need to understand their direct reports and how to identify with them. This type of approach will enable leaders to inspire and empower their teams.
  • Creating safe spaces for open communication, providing mental health and wellness resources and making space for journalists will greatly help to reduce burnout, stress, anxiety and impostor syndrome.
  • Audiences tend to connect with human centric journalism rooted in empathy too. This type of journalism will attract and retain loyal audiences too.

There are still so many unresolved issues in today’s newsrooms, especially around sustainability and diversity. Are news outlets paying everyone equitably regardless of their identity? Are newsroom leaders creating safe, inclusive environments for their staff to openly discuss issues, give feedback and possible solutions with them? Do news outlets truly reflect the communities they serve? What is their path to the future?

Tackling these challenges will take a new crop of competent and empathetic leaders, solidly anchored in values of journalism excellence and integrity, and wholly committed to inclusion and equity. I’m thrilled that I now have the opportunity to shepherd the next generation of news leaders.

Applications are now open until June 2 for media executives to apply for the next cohort of the Executive Program in News Innovation and Leadership!

